By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 7/15/20-  “My mom told me to start a business during COVID, and this is what I came up with! I started making planes during the Coronavirus. My mom told me to create a business and so I started making craft planes. I really like art and creating things, so after I made a few planes, I thought: Oh, my business should be selling craft planes!” Nicholas Bubeck This is where his story takes off.  

What do you love the most about airplanes? 

I love airplanes because they let you travel and I love exploring different places. When I travel, I feel happy because it’s fun to see new places. 

You launched a business at 6-years old. Creations by Nicholas. Tell us about it.

My mom told me to start a business during Coronavirus and I didn’t know what to do. One day she put a bunch of craft materials on our table and I made an airplane. When my baby brother woke up from his nap he took my plane away, and so I made him one of his own. That gave me the idea that making planes should be my business!

I also had the idea to make kits so kids could make the planes themselves. A lot of us are bored during this coronavirus and I want kids to get creative, just like me! The kits have all the materials you need to make the planes. 

My mom helped me make my website,… I even got to write my own bio and edit the pictures. 

How do your craft airplanes spark the imagination in these turbulent times? 

I made planes so kids can imagine they can travel wherever they want to go. Right now, we can’t travel a lot because of COVID, so I hope people who buy them will be reminded of exploring the world when they’re stuck at home.

As a young Entrepreneur, share your dreams of soaring in 2020.

I am thinking of new crafty items people can get with the planes, in addition to making new kits. I’m hoping to have the new stuff on my website by the holidays because I think they are really good gifts for children.

There is an altruistic force behind your craft planes. Tell us about the Kits for Kids” program. What makes you smile about this program? 

The Kits for Kids program gives free DIY kits to kids whose parents are treating the coronavirus. It makes me happy because those kids miss their parents while their parents are working as doctors and nurses. 

I also give $1 of every sale to the Triple Heart Foundation, which gives free books to NICUs all over the United States. I was born in the NICU and love helping little babies.

If you could fly to any place in the world? Where would it be and why? 

If I could fly any place in the world it would be to Los Gatos, California because I have family there and I miss them. I like going to Pizza My Heart, playing at the fountain, and seeing my cousins/grandparents. We usually visit every summer, but we couldn’t this year because of the COVID-19.


Instagram: @mamaandmyboys