Hilarity Between the Sheets

By: Victoria Stevens

Fiona Goodwin

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 10/01/2020- Tune in this Friday, October 2nd at 7 pm PDT for another fun episode of BETWEEN THE SHEETS podcast on United Broadcasting Network. Guest speaker, LA Based standup comedian Fiona Goodwin, will share juicy details about her one-woman show while providing a few laughs along the way.


Head over to www.betweenthesheetspodcast.com to get your “seat” for this hilarious one-hour podcast which will keep you holding your sides from laughter. Host Gaye Ann Bruno will be accepting call-ins for those who have a question/comment for Goodwin. The number to call is 323-524-2599. Bruno’s entourage: Mara Shane, Kara Noble, Valerie Milano, Cheryl Murphy, Kimberly Sanchez, and Jennie McNulty will also be in attendance sharing their viewpoints on different topics so you don’t want to miss out.

BETWEEN THE SHEETS podcast was started by Bruno in 2009 with her diverse group of handpicked, invited weekly rotation guest “girlfriends”. “We discuss various topics ranging from sex, music, spirituality, philosophy, and politics. We manage to discuss at least 25 topics in an hour and we always have a good laugh in every show,” said Bruno. BETWEEN THE SHEETS appeals to people of all ages and persuasions and every color which attracts many interesting arrays of guests.

The United Broadcast Network is a decade-old podcast company that has the experience and knowledge to help make podcast successful. They host a variety of podcasts on their network with programs throughout the week. Check them out www.ubngo.com.

The podcast is streamed live on the United Broadcasting Facebook page only.


Then posted on the YouTube channel to see the video and on all the audio podcast aggregators like iTunes Google play Amazon podcasts Spotify Pandora.