By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 12/15/2020 –  Maleeka T. Hollaway is an award-winning publicist and entrepreneur. Her goal is to support SBOs and entrepreneurs to position themselves to grow sustainable businesses and brands. “It’s a beautiful thing when a client sees their face and name in some of the publications that are known for highlighting billionaires. Media features and placements help people see themselves in a brighter light.”- Maleeka T. Hollaway

You are obsessed with professional development, public relations, and small business growth. Who is Maleeka T. Hollaway? 

At my core, I’m just a woman obsessed with living life to the fullest. As a business professional, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily hustle of doing so much that we forget to truly live and enjoy the process of living. I make it a point to take a few moments every day to practice gratitude for being alive and well. And then, I get to work.

I’m a mother, business owner, best-selling author, award-winning publicist, college instructor, and a doctoral student. I’m always spinning multiple plates at once. A part of the thrill of being a publicist is being able to seamlessly maneuver and make something happen out of nothing. That’s my superpower. I make things happen for myself and for others.

Tell us about Social Proof Success.™

The Social Proof Successbrand is my brainchild and a subsidiary brand of my PR agency, The Official Maleeka Group. I see it as my giveback to bootstrapping entrepreneurs who need to learn how to build credibility. It started as an idea – an online space where I could teach what I’ve learned about PR and Marketing to people who were interested. Now, it’s a brand of its own. It’s still an online community but it now hosts events and collaborations with others in the entrepreneurial space. Social Proof Success™ is a community made for entrepreneurs by an entrepreneur to be the DIY solution you need to establish your brand’s influence; to show your target audience you have exactly what they need and they can trust you to deliver. When you consistently fulfill your promises to customers and clients, your business will grow. We show you how to make this happen.

As an influencer for over 25 major brands, share stories of success in 2020. 

As an influencer in the entrepreneurial and PR space, I’ve been able to share my expertise on a global scale through my connections with top tier media platforms. I’ve been positioned as a thought-leader for small businesses that need to stand out.

My job is to get my client’s stories told and to help their brands be well-positioned for brand awareness. This year along, we have had multiple clients featured in the print and online version of Entrepreneur Magazine, we’ve landed clients in Oprah Magazine, Forbes, Business Insider, and more. My team and I have been a part of our client’s successes as they’ve experienced their first multiple six-figure months and for some, 7-figure months, in the middle of a pandemic. It’s a beautiful thing when a client sees their face and name in some of the publications that are known for highlighting billionaires. Media features and placements help people see themselves in a brighter light.

What has the pandemic taught you? 

The pandemic has taught us that life is a gift and that we as a human race should be more supportive of one another because we are more alike than we are different. I’ve learned that in the blink of an eye, everything can change and not for the worst but for the best. It all depends on personal perspective. I’ve learned to see the good first and to look for the lesson in every situation I encounter.

You have worked with many nonprofits in areas of brand development and content creation. What are you most proud of? 

I am most proud of helping people materialize their dreams. I helped a client host a 12-hour Zoomathon to fundraise. We hit our goal and created a wonderful space full of connections and opportunities. I love being needed and necessary for the work I do. And the value I bring.

What will people notice when working with you? 

When professionals work with me and my team, they will notice that we challenge them to think past what they think they know about themselves and their company. We help produce a mindset shift. Yes, the media mentions and features come. But many times, we try to be humble and we downplay how great we really are and that’s what we work to help our clients believe. They NEED to be out front. They NEED to have their stories shared. They NEED to serve more people. They NEED to be household names. We help fulfill all those needs for them.

Tell us about your Free 7-Day Trial to the Accelerator. 

As a part of the Social Proof Success brand, our paid membership features exclusive content on social proof, PR strategies, and more PLUS training sessions from friends who are experts in their fields. We host monthly live Q&A and work sessions and offer additional support to help you grow your social proof. Varied training options mean your social proof can grow consistently. We offer this 7-day trial for those who want to take a peek at what we offer before they go all in!

Share your upcoming projects/goals. We have our signature event, Social Proof Success Live coming up in January 2021! We’ve partnered with some of the world’s top influencers in business and in media to share how to use publicity as a business building strategy in 2021 and beyond. Since the pandemic is present, the event is 100% virtual so you can participate from anywhere. It’s THE business event of the year and we encourage every entrepreneur to make the investment and show up. Learn more at