A simple Google search can find answers to most of your questions. You can learn how to bake cookies. Simply Google and you will find a good number of medical school mock interviews. The web is a good source to find tips for writing a medical school personal statement. However, you need an expert for medical school personal statement help.      


First of all, you need to be aware of the medical school admission process. This long, complex process spans over months.  In this article, we will breakdown this process. 


Both AACOMAS and AMCAS open in May. If you want to pursue D.O. degree then go for AACOMAS and if you want to pursue M.D. then go for AMCAS. 


First of all, complete the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) as early in the year as possible. Take the test before mid-May. If you delay it, your primary application is not complete. Your application will get attention later in the cycle. 


Get official transcripts and letters of recommendation and submit them in the month of May. Get your medical school application evaluated by the admission committee as early as possible. Completing and submitting your application early is in your best interest.


It takes several weeks to verify your primary application. While your application is being verified, you can start making a list of medical schools you are considering. Compare the schools in the final list. While making this list of schools, keep in mind that you will submit your application via AMCAS or AACOMAS.


A school may send you a secondary application after receiving your primary application. The secondary application is a school-specific application. This application includes short answer prompts or an essay. If you don’t submit your secondary application, your medical school application will not be complete. Different schools have different secondary application submission deadlines. However, it is advised to submit your secondary application as early as possible. 


Applicants get medical school interview offers on a rolling basis. Therefore, don’t delay your secondary application submission. Medical schools continue to receive secondary applications in August. So, continue sending secondary applications. 


Medical schools update the status of secondary applications on their websites. Therefore, keep checking the status of your application. 


After receiving and reviewing your secondary application and other information, the medical school sends you an interview invitation. Medical school mock interviews are of great help for interview preparation. Start practicing as early as possible. You can also involve a family member or friend in interview preparation. You must be able to explain why you want to become a physician. Prepare to explain leave of absence, low grades or any other academic struggle you have experienced.  


Then comes the time when medical schools decide to reject or accept medical school admission applications. Some applicants get a waitlist position offer. This happens on a rolling basis.  


If you want to add new information to the original application, share it with the program you are applying to.  After that, attend “second look” weekend. This is the time when you get in touch with your new classmates.  


In the next step, you need to choose your medical school. After this, your other acceptances are withdrawn. Medical schools accept applicants from their wish lists as well.