By Ali Mushtaq

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 3/23/21 – Entrepreneur, Tom Cridland, has made himself into a household name by selling sustainable clothing. Cridland has taken his experience in design and translated it into an amazing podcast, the Greatest Music of All Time. This details the lives of many notable singers and songwriters. We conducted an interview with the renaissance artist to get to know him better.

HT) You’ve built a successful luxury brand. Can you tell us what made you break into podcasting?

TC: I initially wanted to do a one-off series celebrating what I considered the greatest popular music of all time by interviewing some of its creators. Then it started going so well that I decided to make it an ongoing series, exploring music with both some of the “greatest artists” but also some younger, up and coming ones too, as well as discussing music with some public figures and celebrities from all other walks of life, be it acting, politics, fashion or anything else. Here we are over 330 episodes later!

HT) What is your podcast about?

TC: It’s about music, current affairs, politics and it should also serve as a how-to guide for success in some respects. These are candid conversations with eminently successful people, so there’s a lot to take away for the listener and to potentially use to improve your own life.

HT) Why cover our cultural icons? What can we learn from their contributions?

TC: By interviewing our cultural icons we can learn so much about creativity, courage, entrepreneurship, self-promotion, and any number of other things. In addition, we can simply enjoy these one of a kind stories. Many of the people we have on the show could have films made about their lives, so they’re very interesting to talk to.

HT) What has been your favorite interview so far? Why?

TC: Dionne Warwick is, in my mind, popular music’s finest ever singer, in terms of vocal tone, so it was an honor to recently speak to her. In terms of younger artists, I loved speaking to Chance the Rapper.

HT) What is the overall message of your podcast (if any/)?

TC: There is no overall message. I’m pretty much apolitical and having nothing in particular to promote. I do this because I love having conversations with remarkable people. I think the Greatest Music of All Time podcast is one of the best podcasts in the world and what I’m trying to bring people is a more candid, organic, personable style of discussion with artists and other public figures that you don’t see in traditional media formats.

HT) Is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience?

TC: I hope everyone is coping ok with these difficult times. I send my thoughts, prayers, and love to everyone affected by the pandemic, people who have lost loved ones, who have lost livelihoods, or who are simply lonely. I am confident, by the end of 2021, we will be looking at a very different and much happier world.

HT) How can our readers listen to your podcast?

TC: On all audio platforms, such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts, as well as on Youtube with a video component.