By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 4/27/2021 –  H.E. Dr. Karen D. Lomax is the Founder and President of Karen Lomax Ministries, KAIROS Editing & Publishing, LLC, H..E.R,.R..S. LLC Professional Life Coaching and H.I.S. Outreach Ministry. In May 2018, Dr.Lomax founded and launched the H.E.R.R.S. Life Coaching Academy provides training and mentorship for other professional life coaches. In 2019, she formed the “I’M A  H..E.R,.R..S GIRL” Network to help equip and empower women and girls on a global scale. She is dedicated to reconciling the loss back to God through her unique style of preaching, teaching, and mentoring. You can find HERRS, LLC in Oceanside, CA.

Tell us about HERRS, LLC.

H.E.R.R.S. LLC is a professional life coaching business that is built on Healing, Empowering, Restoring, Reorganizing, and Supporting. This 5 step process is what helped me get unstuck and move forward from one of the darkest points in my life. I was feeling as if my life was being turned upside down and couldn’t see how to get back on track. I was stuck and didn’t understand how to get unstuck and move forward with my life. It was my relationship with God that helped me to get through this dark period. I had to HEAL in order to DEAL. I wanted to use my experience to empower other professional women(and men) who were going through what I had gone through. I launched the H.E.R.R.S. vision in 2015 and we have been going strong ever since. We offer mentorship programs for men and young men through our H.I.S.(Healing, Inspiring, Supporting) network. Our coaches and mentors (men and women) are credentialed through the H.E.R.R.S. Life Coaching Academy.

How is your approach to Professional Life Coaching unique? 

I believe in coaching the whole person, utilizing prayer and self-empowering tips, tools, and techniques. I have made it my life’s mission to help women tap into their source of strength and rediscover their identity and purpose. I understand that everyone is not the same and I create coaching plans and strategies that are unique to each person. My strength as a coach is my transparency and firmness that come from my military background. My authenticity and firm attitude are exactly what my coaching clients are looking for in a coach. They tell me that it keeps them from “slacking off” when it comes to accomplishing their goals.

You are the Founder and President of Karen Lomax Ministries International. Tell us about your work.

I love God and I love God’s people. I have always been a giver and this ministry has afforded me the opportunity to be a blessing to others. KLMI is a nonprofit organization made up of several other smaller ministries and our mission is to empower, educate, and make disciples of Christ. One of the most essential elements of KLMI is community outreach. In 2017, I was given an “angel” ministry for the purpose of blessing individuals to continue their education. To we have helped 11 individuals to become college graduates. Currently, we have 3 who will be graduating this Fall. One of our essential outreach partners is Healing Hearts Angels Outreach Ministry in St. Louis, Missouri. With the help of their Founder, Ms. Vicky E. Davis, we supply hygiene kits, school supplies, hats, scarves, gloves, coats, and blankets to various women shelters, homeless shelters, and families in communities nationwide, as well as abroad with the help of other international ministry partners. In addition, we partner with other community organizations to supply food boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

This brings me great joy because I remember growing up and receiving food boxes during the holidays. It’s a blessing to be in a position to do the same for someone else.

What excites you the most working with clients?

The smiles and the happy tears when they reach their goals. I’m only successful if they are successful. Being invited to be an active component in someone’s transformation is exhilarating and we celebrate with them all the way to the finish line.

Tell us about “I”M A H.E.R.R.S GIRL “ Network.

The “I’M A H.E.R.R.S. Girl” network is about making a positive impact in the lives of women and young girls around the world. It initially began as a small group of coaches who had graduated from my life coaching academy. I wanted them to have access to myself and other coaches to help guide them as they build their coaching programs and business. Since its inception in 2019, we have added coaching and business consultants, mentors, and other Lady Bosses to the network. We have an initiative called “I’M Loving Me” to remind women and girls that it’s okay to love and care for yourself. We have been instrumental in helping the push for the empowerment of women on a global scale. We recently welcomed two new international volunteers from India and Pakistan, who will be representing us in their respective countries. This has been possible with the support of H.E. Dr. Ameena Ali and The Federation of International Gender and Human Rights (FIGHR).

Have you seen an influx of members given the pandemic?

Yes. During COVID-19, leaders across the board recognized how important it is to be an essential asset within your community. Also, the isolation reminded people of the importance of relationships. We treat our members like family and that’s what many were missing. Our membership increased because we support our “Girls” and they reciprocate by telling others about us.

What are the challenges you are seeing?

The biggest challenges I see are homelessness and a lack of empathy when it comes to those who suffer mental traumas. Oftentimes, there is a correlation between the two. We have so many individuals, especially in the church community, who suffer in silence because of the stigma surrounding mental illness. My intent is to help destigmatize mental illness so others will feel more confident in asking for help. I’m in the process of creating a mental health coaching program in which others can become certified mental advocates.

Tell us about your books, Rediscovering You By Discovering Your Purpose and Happiness 101: How To Bring More Joy Into Your Life. 

“Rediscovering You By Discovering Your Purpose” is an eBook that offers simple strategies to help readers identify and move in their purpose. It’s an interactive guide that can be used for workshops or support groups. “Happiness 101” is an ebook I created for my Big Girls Do Cry I Survived support group. This self-help guide is free and explores what I call strategies of happiness that readers can apply to their everyday lives to create more joy and happiness. Both books are available at

What are you looking forward to in 2021?

This year is going to be MY year. I plan on finishing book 2 of my “Let Me Tell It” series, releasing my “Mind Your Business” series of business tips and techniques, launching my podcast(coming this fall), and traveling. Most importantly, I look forward to more ME time. I do so much for others and this year, I’m making it a priority to do more for myself. My goal is to go away for a weekend, once a month, and visit places I have never been.



