What is every mother’s worst fear? The airport. Just the thought of having to catch a non-stop flight with children in tow from Kansas City to New York can send shivers down any mother’s spine. Let alone taking a transatlantic flight with multiple layovers. Between dealing with TSA with formula, having to check a giant stroller and the fear of being “that” mom with the crying kid. You can be stressed out before you even buy the tickets!

Jennifer Cervantes, mom founder and CEO of Tough as a Mother Tribe, set out to create a jewelry line for all moms, including the mom on the go. By utilizing the power and meanings of gemstones, Jennifer is able to design pieces that empower moms to look and to feel their best!

These gemstone necklaces help you be tough as a mother and do it in style while traveling too:

Reduce stress:
Being a mother already comes with its own unique challenges without the added factors of traveling. Which is why we offer a “Balanced Mama” clear quartz necklace. Designed to be minimalist in style as not to get in the way, and having quartz to help you embrace your patience and energy while dealing with even the longest flight delay.

Rest and Relaxation:

Wanna be the “Cool Mom?” The kind of mom who is calm as a cucumber when the baby’s tummy starts bubbling with only one diaper left on the 6 hour flight. This chalcedony stone necklace will help you reach your highest level of calmness and ensure you don’t lose your shizzle even when you’re down to the last diaper!

Improve intuition:
While being on the move with children, keeping them within an arm’s reach is a job all in of itself! Throw in having to read a map, plus use the Spanish you haven’t practiced since middle school, and you’ll feel like your brain is about to blow a gasket! For this, our “Good Vibes Mama” labradorite stone necklace is popular for the adventurous moms because it promotes strength & perseverance, while also having an iconic look.