By Kevin Dranoff

New Jersey (The Hollywood Times) 12/12/21 – At just 20 years of age Zach Ury from Chicago, Illinois has accumulated 5 million followers on his tik tok account.  This is the first time I’m even understanding how you can use tik tok to really get something going!  He has people submitting “drive thru challenges” through his social media accounts which he accepts with ease.  People challenge him to try different bizarre combinations.

This is also the first time I’ve seen youtube have something called “SHORTS BETA” which is like reels on instagram or tik toks.  To put it in perspective, The Rock, is the 16th most followed on tik tok with 44 million.  This kid has 5 million!?!   160 thousand subscribers to his youtube channel as well.  He went viral on the Lad Bible, a British social media outlet, for figuring out how to chug a bottle of water in seconds.  It left others commenting over their shock on how he can do it.

He has some kind of steel stomach or something.   I can’t figure out why he can easily take down an overdose of gross shit!  Check out his over the top drive thru prank compilation to see how crazy some of the dares he gets from his followers!  This wasn’t what it was like when I was twenty years old!  He reminds me of Thomas Barbusca a little bit.  Either way this kid goes hard and he’s gonna get rich from it.  What a life! I got all his links below for you guys to check out what the kids are doing these days!

Zuurry’s Tik Tok

Zach Ury Instagram

Zuurry Drive Thru Prank Compilation (MUST WATCH!)

Subscribe to Zuurry’s youtube channel

Learn more about Zach Ury