By Susan Hornik

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 1/28/22 – Tania Trozzo is a romance author with books ranging from young adult to contemporary fiction. A mom of 3, she always tries to find some time to spend with her significant other and hopes to help others realize that it’s not as hard as it seems.

An avid reader, when Trozzo’s father became deathly ill, she finally decided to put words to the stories in her head, producing 3 books so far and now currently working on her latest contemporary romance fiction.

“Romance is in the everyday gestures, in the simple words and actions that show love. It’s about being thoughtful and taking the time to show what that person means to you. There’s no better adventure than being hopelessly in love. Lives are bland without it,” enthused Trozzo.

When she isn’t writing her romance novels, she posts helpful tips on keeping the romance alive and finding easy ways to incorporate it in your day to day. In 2022, she believes that starting off with just 5 simple things can help improve the romance in your relationship

Start small. It can be as simple as writing a note at the start of each week and putting it on their mirror or hidden in their work bag. How about a love email if you don’t want to write a love letter? Maybe you can send them a song that reminds them of you. Or give them a call ‘just because.’ Again, behind every small act, lie ‘big’ emotions and feelings.

Sit down with your partner and make a list. I like to refer to it as a bucket list but it doesn’t have to be. It could be as simple as setting 3-5 goals for the year. For instance, it could include a recurring date each month or maybe going away one weekend before 2022 ends. Take a class together. The ideas are endless. That is why making a list may help.

Set deadlines. Initially, you’re going to have to treat it like every other goal you have. Once you start adding romance, and then making time to keep your romance alive and fueled, you may not need those deadlines anymore.

Date nights. They are truly important and I also know that for some of you having small children makes it very difficult. It shouldn’t be that difficult but it is that important. It’s a must! You can stargaze in the backyard, take a walk, plan a movie night, breakfast in bed – whatever it is doesn’t matter. It’s all about spending time together.

Have fun! I’m pretty sure deep down we all know what our significant other enjoys doing. We can either find something in common or like I mentioned above, try one of their activities and next time do one of yours. The important thing is to make it fun! And of course, to do it together.