Here’s What’s Written in the Stars For Your Love Life This Week

This week we have Venus, the planet of love, in Aquarius as we continue our journey through the season of Capricorn.  Mercury, the planet of communication is still retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, making communication the next few days a little tough. But that’s ok because here is where we learn how to work with the astrology, instead of against it.

With the planet of love hanging out in the calm, cool, though slightly aloof sign of Aquarius, it’s a perfect time to have a conversation with the other half of a relationship equation, ourselves.

Aquarius is an air sign and is represented by the water bearer. It loves taking big ideas and spreading them to the masses, however, its mind-in-the-sky mentality can make individual connections difficult.

The good news is, that may not be such a bad thing right now. When we talk about finding soul mates there is a saying that often people focus too much on the “mate” piece instead of the “soul.” Meaning, that often we are so busy looking at or for the other person, we don’t get around to looking at ourselves. Things like what we want, who we are, and what we bring to relationships. However, being in the decisive Capricorn season now is a wonderful time to explore that. To unplug a little so to speak, and plug into ourselves and our own head space.

Try This Dating and Relationship Exercise

As an astrologer and relationship expert, I often tell people when looking for their perfect partner, to try “dating themselves” for a day. It’s a popular practice I stumbled across in a book on sobriety, surprisingly enough.  The exercise not only helped the author realize why she was having difficulties in relationships, but also that she had an addiction to alcohol. While it may have seemed obvious to others, it took a day of her “dating herself” and reflecting on it, to truly figure out her own patterns. When we focus too much on the other person in a relationship, we often miss some of the big things about ourselves.

So while this example may be extreme, it is a very useful practice in general. So try dating yourself for a few days, to see where your priorities lie. What daily behaviors lead you closer to your goal of a relationship and which ones lead you further away? The practice isn’t just good for singles, it’s also great for people already in a relationship. See how much time, effort, energy, and even money is being allotted daily to your partner. Is there balance? See what your daily habits tell you about where your focus lies. Would you want to be in a relationship with you? Start there!

While the energy of Aquarius may come across as disinterested, sometimes taking a step back to focus on yourself, is exactly what a relationship needs to thrive. So use it!

Combine Passion and Practicality

Capricorn on the other hand is an Earth sign, represented by the goat, but in the astrological traditions I study, it is represented as a “sea goat.” That means it has one hoof on the Earth and one in the sea, meaning it is learning to connect its watery emotional realm, to the hard ground of reality. Which is basically the key to maintaining a healthy, long-term relationship. Haven’t we all seen relationships that are emotional, intense, and even somewhat explosive? They tend not to last very long because that kind of emotional turmoil is simply not sustainable. Then on the other hand haven’t we all seen a married couple that seems more like business partners than romantic partners? These often end in failure (or at least affairs) too. The key to healthy, happy, long-term relationships is a little bit of both passion and grounding;  emotion and logic.

So, while the Aquarian disinterest and the Capricorn task master vibe might seem counterintuitive to a good relationship, this is actually an amazing time to use both to do a little inner-self house cleaning.

Now, to sum it all up in true Capricorn to-do list fashion here is a quick romance checklist for the Next Week:

Weekly Romance Checklist:  

  1. Take this time to “date yourself” for a day (or two) and see what patterns emerge
  2. Analyze if your daily decisions/actions bring you closer to a healthy relationship or farther away
  3. If big, heavy conversations can wait, let them. Mercury Rx in Capricorn can make conversations come across as cold, aloof, or even calculating, not to mention confusing. Best to wait until we are out of murky Mercury Rx.
  4. Take this time to figure out what logical things you want from a relationship and a partner, remember passion + practicality= perfect match!

Have a great week and happy star surfing!

By Bethany Barton