Here’s What’s Written in the Stars For Your Love Life This Week This week we have Venus, the planet of love, in Aquarius as we…
By Bethany Barton Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 12/19/22 – What happens in our dreams stays in our dreams? Not according to the acclaimed…
By Bethany Nicole Photos: Bridgette Reed Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 11/25/22 – With recent events, it’s safe to say many of us have…
‘We Are All Addicts: The Soul’s Guide to Kicking Your Compulsions’- Here’s What We Thought Of It By Bethany Barton Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood…
By: Bethany Barton Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 9/20/22 – They say lightning doesn’t strike twice and two home invasions in a month, well…