By Valerie Milano

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 8/5/23 – While the profession of cosmetic canvassing may be a thing of the past, viewers will find leading lady Elena Espiro (Rosa) going door to door in new, hilariously comedic short film The Avon Lady. A US Citizen in her own right, Rosa follows the American dream and attempts to sell Avon products in her neighborhood, initially, without very much luck. Still, this does not inhibit Rosa from persevering, finding her footing in sales, collaborating with a friendly client, and outrunning an attack from a dog in the process! 

First time Director Carolina Espiro unequivocally highlights the struggle in Rosa to completely assimilate to American culture, especially when it comes to speaking English, while never losing the funny. What better way to showcase historic capitalism than to utilize a profession that is viewed as a pillar in beauty, American commerce, and entrepreneurship than the Avon franchise. 

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Espiro denotes, “Back in the day, a lot of women became door-to-door salespeople selling Avon, one of whom being my mother. My mother studied to be an entrepreneur in Chile, but no matter what you do, when you come to the US, the studies do not carry over. My mother wanted to be financially independent, she did not want to be a stay-at-home mom, she wanted to be an entrepreneur. However, a challenge that never really occurred to me is that my mother did not know English at the time; I did not realize how common it was for immigrant women to have Avon as a first job and what a huge impact it was on them in their journey to become independent.” 

Antiquated or not, selling Avon products has been a huge steppingstone for many people that are of or come to America later in life searching for income security and overall financial independence. For more information on this refreshing comedy, please visit!